
Soundoffs 3
Album Ratings 1450
Objectivity 30%

Last Active 07-02-12 7:02 pm
Joined 07-02-12

Review Comments 138

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  • Snake. lmfao you 5'd every post-2002 btbam album
    April 24 12:51 AM
  • MyNameIsPencil I take it you like Metal?
    April 17 02:45 PM
  • FadeToBlack yeahhhhhhhhhhhh I was joking, I hate Tool
    August 9 10:07 PM
  • Da11thMytrillSphere I know, but that list you made recently needs moar opeth, for a lot of rock and metal circle Mike and company are very well known and loved.
    August 3 01:41 AM
  • Da11thMytrillSphere I know, but that list you made recently needs moar opeth, for a lot of rock and metal circle Mike and company are very well known and loved.
    August 3 01:39 AM

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