Brady Hayes

Reviews 45
Approval 96%

Soundoffs 137
News Articles 3
Band Edits + Tags 10
Album Edits 6

Album Ratings 1804
Objectivity 83%

Last Active 01-04-21 8:21 pm
Joined 01-17-13

Review Comments 3,321

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  • Sowing Already did! Love the opener and the slower songs, rest is still trying to resonate but it's quite good. Reminds me of 00s indie rock.
    February 22 02:45 AM
  • Jots https://theexitbags.bandcamp.com/album/our-sun-will-clean-its-holy-wounds
    September 7 07:15 PM
  • Jots i have a new tune btw, feel free to peep my last list for details I guess lol
    July 5 05:55 PM
  • PitchforkArms Yo! Thank you a bunch (: I?m glad so many sput bros are digging it. Any highlight moments for you?
    September 18 03:21 PM
  • Jots word, more or less loosely what I was going for. kinda hoped it?d get more steam but I guess I didn?t advertise it a ton
    December 9 12:43 AM

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