K Bowman

Reviews 80
Soundoffs 81
News Articles 2
Band Edits + Tags 31
Album Edits 126

Album Ratings 814
Objectivity 62%

Last Active 03-02-23 8:58 pm
Joined 05-29-14

Review Comments 1,276

musical taste

shoutbox » all posts 
  • ToSmokMuzyki what the balls
    March 17 10:57 PM
  • aok DJ Sprinkles is hella good, Kanye West is GoaT
    February 6 10:53 PM
  • sncky i'm trying to contact you! i love your reviews :)! your friend SNCKPCK
    April 21 10:33 PM
  • jimthefish the Self Insert EP "philias" would probably interest you because its this weird computer fusion of experimental, pop, hip-hop and electronic. my fav off it:
    October 19 08:13 AM
  • plane They all rule ty
    July 6 06:49 PM

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