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Soundoffs 3 Album Ratings 3594 Objectivity 79%
Last Active 12-29-14 5:17 pm Joined 12-29-14
Review Comments 0
Joy Division, Swans, Manic Street Preachers, Converge, Coil, Skinny Puppy, David Bowie, Burzum, Aphex Twin, Kraftwerk, Have A Nice Life, The Birthday Party, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, Throbbing Gristle, Slowdive, Sun Kil Moon, Red House Painters, Mark Kozelek, The Antlers, Suede, Dead Can Dance, Husker Du, Pulp, Funeral Diner, Gospel, Fugazi, Black Flag, Scarling., Cocteau Twins, Current 93, Depeche Mode, Front Line Assembly, Wumpscut, Van Der Graff Generator, Nico, Kate Bush, King Crimson, Mogwai, Genesis, Mercyful Fate, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Velvet Acid Christ, Television, Blaze Bayley, Mayhem, Ulver, Enslaved, Smashing Pumpkins, Xiu Xiu, Lou Reed, Whitehouse, Nurse With Wound, Sunn O))), Shining (SWE), Silencer (SWE), Sodom, Boris, Dir En Grey, X Japan, Numb, Anberlin, The Saddest Landscape, Frameworks, La Dispute, Touche Amore, iwrotehaikusaboutcannibalisminyouryearbook, Suis La Lune, Circle Takes the Square, Saetia, Loma Prieta, Bauhaus, Tones on Tail, Love and Rockets, Bathtub Shitter, Pink Guy, Gunther, Apator, Ken, Costes, GG Allin, Phantom, William Control,
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