
Reviews 7
Approval 98%

Soundoffs 55
Album Ratings 1341
Objectivity 67%

Last Active 06-06-19 1:04 pm
Joined 01-04-13

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  • Muzz79 Will check mate. I?m up for any melodeath rec but do tend to prefer the atmospheric stuff
    June 8 09:56 AM
  • Dedes Lol yeah iirc all thats on spotify is The Last Battle which is an extremely crunchy slab of melodic dm with emphasis on the dm portion. Not as good as Red Dragon but still owns.
    May 14 12:31 PM
  • Dedes Jam Red Dragon by Helcaraxe pls and ty
    May 10 12:42 PM
  • Hawks Oh hell yeah. I'm on it!
    April 30 08:59 PM
  • Futures yeah the avg is insane haha. tons of cool riffs on that one and the heaviest they've ever been. deathcore with some melody is fun combo. such a cool band.
    April 23 09:05 PM

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