Reviews 3 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 5 Album Ratings 754 Objectivity 80%
Last Active 12-02-14 7:17 am Joined 01-30-13
Review Comments 4,493
| Flugmorph well ok thats a very valid point. i also like when people die so theres that.
| SPRFanOf5H Hey man I hope you don't mind but I can't send you the tracks today. My data connection is spotty, I can access the site but I can't email because the files take too long to upload for attachment. I can email you them either tomorrow or later in the week if you do not mind man. I'm so sorry sir, but I get really bad connection where I live.
| SPRFanOf5H Hey man I'll email you the three bonus tracks in the afternoon since I've been bombarded by other things. Apologies for not getting it earlier, but I've been doing a ton of work sooo yeah....
| SPRFanOf5H No problem man. I'm gonna call it a night, but don't worry man I'll get it to you in the morning alright? Like 10-11am pacific or earlier if that's alright. Been up since 6am yesterday so I'm gonna sleep like right now lol.