ToSmokMuzyki wwwwwwwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ttttttthhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeee fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkk maaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn July 17 03:27 AM
Dimorphic 8000 comments but no album ratings, wtf man? February 5 09:49 PM
Friday13th Hey man, got another good obscure prog album up your sleeve all these years later? I'm trying to find a last contestant for my new tourney. Check my list! May 14 02:26 PM
JayEnder Yooo was unaware of KILL?s review of P2 lmao. My bad bro haha still that?s freaking hilarious. April 23 01:02 AM
JayEnder You crying about periphery made me lol April 23 12:48 AM