franconia What I don't like about the suspension is that I can't look at charts easily when I'm logged in. Clicking on 'charts' leads into the account history page, and it's only if i click on a link to an album where i can view (some) charts. But I really want to look at genre charts for genres that aren't frequently discussed, like art punk, and I can only do that when logged out which is absolutely painful to scroll through. Makes me irritated that I can't even view the damn charts. October 3 09:28 PM
franconia i mean, i support critically questioning the old guard of music, or any art for that matter, but i get what you mean. I've been listening to primarily post-punk/hardcore, soul and obscure experimental since late July, so not too different from before I got banned. If anything it gave me more time to focus on Eject Music, where I'm editing people's articles and writing my own that are more polished and professional than anything I did on RYM. October 3 09:26 PM
franconia i voted on genres on that stupid Peppa Pig album and then i was permanently suspended and the mods haven't commented on anything, it's absolutely dumb October 3 02:40 AM
franconia RYM mods are the most insufferable humans on this planet October 2 05:41 PM
FirstStrikeIsDeadly Go give their albums ratings, they need em! August 9 08:00 AM