Reviews 71 Soundoffs 31 News Articles 8 Band Edits + Tags 25 Album Edits 62
Album Ratings 1063 Objectivity 62%
Last Active 01-10-23 4:01 pm Joined 12-07-18
Review Comments 1,799
Anberlin, mewithoutYou, The Dangerous Summer, Jason Isbell, Copeland, Brand New, Damien Rice, Foxing, Sufjan Stevens, Mae, The National, Julien Baker, Bon Iver, Dirty Projectors, The Wonder Years, The Antlers, fun., Iron and Wine, Sigur Ros, The Dear Hunter, Margo Price, Chris Stapleton, Saintseneca,
 | SlothcoreSam Hey, how's things? You better get on the new Aaron West ASAP
 | Atari Have you heard the new Hailey Whitters EP? It?s charming and addicting as hell the more I listen to it tbh
 | Atari hey man!! I have a feeling you'd dig this new album by Thanks! I Hate It. some fantastic midwest "coast" emo. they're from CA, lol