Mrs. Pain~~

Reviews 17
Approval 97%

Soundoffs 110
News Articles 4
Band Edits + Tags 555
Album Edits 71

Album Ratings 780
Objectivity 87%

Last Active 09-14-20 3:39 am
Joined 12-24-12

Review Comments 28,754

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Don't be afraid of Pain, don't run away, ,

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  • xxm Hey there, I just want to say that I really love your taste!
    May 21 05:20 PM
  • Futures that sounds like a great job man, really hoping you get that full time. i think you posted on facebook once sci fi films you were showing in the class? really cool stuff. community college is so underrated man, that's where i started initially too when i first graduated. more close knit and got to know my teachers more. it was a great experience for me. did all my associates online which was nice but not the same.
    May 8 07:04 PM
  • Futures thanks man i really appreciate that. i hope so, it's been a long time. i graduated with an associates last year in business management then it came back. so now hopefully time to get back on the job search with no stops! i'm glad to hear that though, really cool stuff. what does your position involve?
    May 8 06:41 PM
  • Futures there was one main spot that's been there for a long time they wanted to get and it seems right now that the treatment did work. the immunotherapy kept me clear for almost 4 years before the reoccurance so i'm hopeful, just tough with this rare cancer. dude that is awesome, congratulations! happy to hear that man. saw you're working at kansas university that's really cool. how is it?
    May 8 06:08 PM
  • Futures nothing much man. life is pain but maybe looking up for the time being. long year of cancer reoccuring, treatment at mayo clinic and dealing with pneumonia after. doing better now i think! good to see you kicking around here a bit. how's life been treating you friend?
    May 8 05:57 PM

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