
Reviews 76
Approval 99%

Soundoffs 46
Album Ratings 881
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 12-27-15 6:30 pm
Joined 10-31-12

Review Comments 2,406

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  • Atari Hey man, long time no talk! I've been pretty good, the same company I've worked for 10 years recently let me start working from home (full time) which is a pretty nice gig not gonna lie. I just jam my records all day while I work it's awesome haha. How about you though, bud? Life been treating you okay?
    November 12 03:00 PM
  • Atari Oh and there's several 2016 albums I think you'll dig. Mimisiku - The Thrill of Living is a whacky indie punk album named after jungle to jungle which is a pretty fun listen haha. Sara Neufeld -the ridge is great modern classical/minimalistic album. also this new woods album rules and If u want great black metal check the new Moonsorrow album :) I honestly have more recs (been a great year for me personally) but that should be suffice for now!
    April 16 08:27 PM
  • Atari Good stuff man, it's great to see u reviewing again :)
    April 16 08:18 PM
  • Atari that's what I like to hear dude, looking forward to it! got any favorite albums so far for 2016? just realized we haven't really talked music in forever
    April 14 11:09 PM
  • Atari so you have any new reviews in the works my man?
    April 13 11:13 PM

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