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Album Ratings 500
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 08-08-22 6:10 pm
Joined 09-12-17

Review Comments 6,733

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  • JesperL ah fair, hope ur doing okay! just know you have some nice stuff to look forward to, pyrophonics is some of the best accessigaze i've ever heard probably
    July 5 10:51 AM
  • JesperL have you heard that heavenward album? i'm addicted to it, liking it better than chrome neon jesus atp
    July 4 09:02 PM
  • wutang4ever Nice taste, Bright Eyes are decent, First Day Of My Life son!
    March 3 07:24 PM
  • kevbogz
    February 3 06:41 AM
  • JesperL aw hell yeah dude, so much good new music this year
    November 15 09:30 AM

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