Soundoffs 3 Album Ratings 200 Objectivity 68%
Last Active 03-05-13 7:20 am Joined 02-09-11
Review Comments 1,037
 | lovelybloodflow hey dude! it's demi, this is my other account (main one got banned). i've been alright, been trying to use this site a lot less but just popped by and saw you were around so i had to say hi! as for jams... well, last year i got really into Bomb the Music Industry. i dunno if you've listened to them, but i def recommend it if you like fun, light-hearted punk rock with amazingly clever / heartfelt lyrics and tons of honestly. they probably have the most solid and consistent discography i've heard.
 | demigod! it progresses beautifully. you'll start to see how the freaks and the geeks worlds intertwine with each other, and how they built relationships (not always friendships, but "bonds" with each other). sort of a mutual understanding of isolation in their high school world. just watch it man s***s hilarious and does drama in the best way possible: with comedy
 | demigod! yeah man. it's such a good show, the cast is phenomenal