Soundoffs 23 News Articles 13 Band Edits + Tags 18 Album Edits 56
Album Ratings 2254 Objectivity 54%
Last Active 07-30-22 1:54 am Joined 06-07-14
Review Comments 7,074
 | JayEnder Can't get over how good Tablet III is dude. Whole song is unreal and even better than The Stargate, but the last 5 mins of the album is prob the coolest thing they've ever done
 | JayEnder New Godspeed is an experience bro
 | Mort. fiinally got round to checking hiroshi yoshimura - soundscape, which you recommended me, great album
 | JayEnder Seems like we're in the minority but it's a hill I'm willing to die on lol
 | Futures moon healer is great. had that knoll album on my list, i'll have to check it out. and dodsrit looks interesting.