Album Ratings 722 Objectivity 87%
Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am Joined 01-01-70
Review Comments 2,164
Animosity, Suffocation, Verse, Bane, Agnostic Front, Rosetta, Bloodbath, Napalm Death, Carcass, Converge, Coalesce, Deftones, Devildriver, Finntroll, Have Heart, 7 Seconds, Meshuggah, Minor Threat, Fugazi, Ruiner, Rwake, Shai Hulud, Youth of Today, Megadeth, Botch, Defeater, Touche Amore, Polar Bear Club, At the Drive-In, ,
 | KILL oh you would like traced in air more
 | Maniac! all of them pretty much. msn live, yahoo, aim, skype .. i can also make an acct for whatever.
 | Maniac! yeah.
 | Maniac! do you have some sort of messaging system, so I don't have to keep loading sputnik up?
 | Maniac! yeah i know. I just got used to being very defensive about helping people with websites or something because they think its as easy as drag and drop. not trying to come off like a jerk :P