
Reviews 18
Approval 86%

Soundoffs 23
Album Ratings 1041
Objectivity 65%

Last Active 01-08-16 5:38 am
Joined 12-17-11

Review Comments 2,803

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  • blastOFFitsPARTYtime Ah well, next year! I've been off Sput for the last few years just travelling and stuff. I'm on here again on occasion now that I have a desk job with some spare time here and there. Are you mainly elsewhere nowadays?
    September 27 02:06 AM
  • blastOFFitsPARTYtime 2452837-577240 (fantasy epl)
    August 7 01:50 AM
  • Sowing Damn man that's too tough. They're basically equal but I'd give the edge to ToT because I "found" them...more personal.
    June 16 11:43 PM
  • Conmaniac haha wow making moves huh?? go to my band page and look me up and friend me on fb and we can chat there if ya want
    November 27 06:24 AM
  • Conmaniac yeah they are tied tbh. might like Painted Shut a bit better must admit
    June 27 11:54 PM

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