
Soundoffs 3
Album Ratings 10235
Objectivity 70%

Last Active 10-15-14 11:40 pm
Joined 03-03-11

Review Comments 514

musical taste

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  • ToSmokMuzyki pffft beyonce says shes "country", so where is the accordion solo?!?!?!?
    April 9 10:30 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki 3.5 beyonce but 2.5 korpi rly :|
    April 6 11:23 AM
  • CaptainDooRight hi bro how are you?? can i share my new trvth album with you? https://trvth.bandcamp.com/album/inordinate-and-surpassing
    December 12 08:26 PM
  • Orb we need to get someone to review that Kelela album
    November 26 02:36 AM
  • nocuffin 26136
    September 25 10:36 AM

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