
Reviews 7
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 54
Album Ratings 2790
Objectivity 85%

Last Active 07-07-22 1:23 pm
Joined 06-28-21

Review Comments 1,678

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  • Sunnyvale Wonderful, thanks again! The post is now up.
    July 17 02:45 PM
  • Sunnyvale Awesome, thank you!
    July 17 02:06 PM
  • Sunnyvale Hey Zakusz! Any interest in writing a blurb for SUMAC for June release of the month? If so, please drop a Google Docs link in my Shoutbox when you're ready. Let me know, thanks!
    July 16 03:39 PM
  • Dewinged Hey Zak, sorry for the late reply, I'm not around these parts as of lately. I believe you'll have to tell a mod to them, either Sowing or Jom can help you them. Good luck with the release(s)!
    June 11 10:45 PM
  • Dewinged Happy new year! I think Willie had the list ready. Send me the link and the info and I'll let him know. (This time for real)
    January 3 10:18 PM

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