Reviews 120 Soundoffs 140 News Articles 7 Band Edits + Tags 50 Album Edits 56
Album Ratings 1877 Objectivity 78%
Last Active 01-10-23 3:56 pm Joined 04-16-12
Review Comments 19,514
 | SlothcoreSam Yo, yoyo You need to put the new Wasted Space at the top of your list. Probably my AOTY so far, Sput user Madrigal outdid herself
 | SlothcoreSam Oooh yeah, it's a great album, probably gonna get better after a few more listens, but the skramz reminds me of walking into the maternity ward.
 | LotionLord I am in fact the guy who bought the Sanctuary CD (pls dont dox me). I got the link, thanks.
 | helti Staff members grow up in the soil
 | SlothcoreSam Just checked it then, sounds great, pumped for the album next week, this year has been lean.