
Reviews 3
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 24
Album Ratings 407
Objectivity 67%

Last Active 08-15-22 6:36 pm
Joined 05-21-16

Review Comments 384

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  • kildare Thanks for the Funker rec. Digging it so far. Also glad they dropped the alien stuff. BUT, I really like one track from that era: The Fallen Race. It's as close to funeral, dirge music as EBM can get. IF you're able to take the lyrics seriously, that is. The Cyberaktif sounded too old-school on a casual listen and didn't hook me. But I'll give it harder listen before FLA puts out new stuff.
    May 5 09:09 PM
  • kildare You might check out one of Acylum's new tracks if you're interested in a cross-cultural discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JLcK82MrxI
    May 5 09:06 PM
  • kildare I know the film-clip sample at 0:31 very very well, but don't understand the German, so you would likely react to it completely different to it than I did :-)
    May 5 09:05 PM
  • kildare Let me know if you check out the new Project Pitchfork and like anything on it. I've given it a couple spins but so far haven't found a reason to spend more time with it. But that doesn't mean anything -- sometimes music has to stew for me
    April 15 07:48 PM
  • kildare Liked the N-fish track. I really only know the "The Bomb" from their earlier stuff, so this will inspire to go through their back catalogue when I get burned on the new one. And you might be right about the new song being a reworking of an older song. It would explain why I can't find it!
    April 3 05:37 PM

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