
Reviews 1
Approval 0%

Soundoffs 75
Album Ratings 478
Objectivity 59%

Last Active 05-16-20 9:32 pm
Joined 09-27-14

Review Comments 367

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  • WatchItExplode I think you should check out Paper Rival - Dialog. I will spare you the comparisons but I would be shocked if you didn't dig it.
    June 5 03:27 AM
  • xxm You are welcome.
    June 9 09:32 AM
  • xxm You have some great taste and some nice shoutbox posts my friend.
    May 6 12:52 PM
  • oWhoadYo Awesome! Hope ya like it :)
    March 25 03:44 PM
  • oWhoadYo randomly stumbled upon your profile while looking at Built To Spill's There Is No Enemy, and me and you have super similar tastes in rock, and just music as a whole, and I love it. i didn't intend for this to be a plug for my band, but you like all of our influences and stuff, i bet you'd like us. our name is Elemantra, we're on spotify and in the database. Regardless, your taste is great and its almost uncanny
    March 17 07:43 PM

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