Reviews 67 Approval 96%
Soundoffs 3 News Articles 1 Band Edits + Tags 3 Album Edits 7
Album Ratings 778 Objectivity 75%
Last Active 04-30-22 7:06 am Joined 11-28-08
Review Comments 1,390
 | jimthefish yo check out the new Self Insert EP, you'd probably have fun reviewing it. eclectic mix of intense electronic, hiphop and emo-ish rock. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbIlkN-iFb0
 | LogicTumble Hey man - Seen that you're a big fan of Listener - I've just booked tickets for when they're in London! If you're into the spoken word music vibe, I'd love to know what you think of my album: https://joshuathorne.bandcamp.com/album/dear-listener . The sput page is: http://www.sputnikmusic.com/bands/Joshua-Thorne/90709/ . If you could write a review that would be amazing, but if not I'd love to just know what you think!
 | kylemccluskey hey thanks for your feedback man, I made some edits.
 | ExplosiveOranges yo, would you mind if i emailed you in the near future to talk about something?