Soundoffs 9 News Articles 2 Band Edits + Tags 12 Album Edits 26
Album Ratings 1506 Objectivity 64%
Last Active 01-05-13 5:28 am Joined 07-10-11
Review Comments 1,224
| SonofSnow Nice Avatar, just started watching Adventure Time. Marcelene is my favorite character so far.
| Pennywise_M No doubt. We gave a lot of time to the production of the EP, since we hardly grasped the basics of mixing and mastering when this all began. For our future work we intend to rigorously filter the ideas and work harder on our songwriting. I'll call out your attention though, for the fact that this EP tells a story, and some of the transitions are very concept oriented. That doesn't change a thing, i just think people haven't realized of the concept's influence on the sound itself. hehe