
Reviews 1
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 76
News Articles 9
Band Edits + Tags 71
Album Edits 252

Album Ratings 4574
Objectivity 68%

Last Active 06-07-21 2:26 am
Joined 08-07-10

Review Comments 5,324

musical taste

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  • Hawks Hell yeah my man its so good.
    July 4 09:07 PM
  • bighubbabuddha Veldin you are worthy of great praise, have a cookie
    October 9 12:14 PM
  • FruityCatOfDoom I WANNA I WANNA
    September 9 05:49 AM
  • Anthracks i love it. i love how it's basically one constantly expanding and shifting track. kevin's experimental side is always his most exciting. i really like his current lyrical trend as well - he's found a great way to make his hyper-personal lyrics seem less subjective. one of my main issues with some of the more recent albums was that he didn't even attempt to veil a lot of his personal traumas, and he's definitely been showing more lyrical prowess.
    July 30 04:43 PM
  • JohnnyoftheWell this is a plant
    October 10 09:34 AM

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