Reviews 60 Approval 88%
Album Ratings 61 Objectivity 59%
Last Active 04-12-20 5:13 pm Joined 10-18-03
Review Comments 428
| fagnutzzz hey man, i saw you were into some pretty good jams, including PTH. i am in need of someone to review my band's debut LP. we are Save Us From the Archon, feel free to download our LP for free at . i think you'll love it, we're an instrumental melodic math metal 4 piece from Pittsburgh, PA.
| Dolving999 Dude, you're like my musical doppelganger ahah
| sehguh woh 8 years, how long has the site been running?
| mechatanner Love the prof pic, love your reviews, love your music taste, perhaps i have a man-crush? O and your screen name is badass since its Thursday, gotta effin love thursday.
And your review on Lower Definition was awesome. just sayin, props mutha****a