
Reviews 1
Approval 61%

Soundoffs 24
Album Ratings 911
Objectivity 78%

Last Active 11-04-21 10:09 am
Joined 07-27-10

Review Comments 2,492

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  • VaruunZealot I agree with your comments on Johnny, he's a clown.
    October 16 09:35 AM
  • Sowing The official list of moderators is only what you see on I know staffers can remove comments, but I wouldn't sweat it because you will not be banned or otherwise punished unless a moderator decides to do so.
    August 15 01:30 PM
  • ToSmokMuzyki rellik is unhinged
    August 15 03:05 AM
  • rellik009 hey man, it's late (again), but I want to apologize for how I reacted back in your first list. I dunno what the **** I was thinking at the time but I guess that day I just happened to be an unsubtle dumbass, and while both sides in the thread are embarrassing to read now, I made the whole thread worse by acting in that manner. So sorry for that time, I changed, and it's the last time I edit my apology message because damn son this is maniacal. Anyways, I wish you well ;]
    March 1 12:56 PM
  • rellik009 With all that said and done, since you like metalcore, I believe you'd like these guys. They're noise-infused, massive metalcore with intriguing songwriting:
    March 31 10:40 AM

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