
Soundoffs 46
Album Ratings 1862
Objectivity 72%

Last Active 11-16-13 11:33 pm
Joined 11-16-13

Review Comments 508

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  • Flugmorph jammed schattenreiter on a car ride the other day, was pretty good
    May 19 02:04 PM
  • Flugmorph oh the rammstein concert i attended yesterday was very good btw
    May 16 04:12 PM
  • Flugmorph i see you are a tanzwut aficionado. what album would you recommend me to start with?
    May 16 04:11 PM
  • Sowing Done!
    November 28 07:37 PM
  • Voivod I don't have such moderating powers, report it to the list Sowing made ;-)
    November 28 05:38 PM

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