
Soundoffs 24
Album Ratings 2270
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 06-17-21 7:00 pm
Joined 07-23-12

Review Comments 25,686

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  • OmairSh Glad to hear all is well at your end! Same here, getting through the winter and waiting for spring and summer haha. Yeah I agree, the new DT is good but it?s more of the same but with longer songs and Portnoy?s more Groove heavy drumming. I actually started liking their more concise songwriting on DoT and wish they would compose more song oriented music vs the typical long instrumental jam heavy songs. But it?s still nice having Portnoy back, going to see them live in March!
    February 11 05:21 PM
  • OmairSh Btw theres a young Thrash band Tabahi from Pakistan that has a pretty cool old school influenced album that I reviewed which you might enjoy :-). Don?t worry the lyrics are in English! https://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/89435/Tabahi-Thrash-for-Justice/
    February 10 06:17 AM
  • OmairSh Chris my brother what?s up! How?ve you been man? Enjoying the new Dream Theater album? I?ve listened to it only a couple of times and need to digest it more but it feels like they consciously constructed the album with a bit of all the typical DT elements, rather than taking chances
    February 10 04:08 AM
  • budgie im a cooorpse, im a coooorpse, im a cooorpse without a sooooooooooul
    February 7 01:27 AM
    February 1 12:42 PM

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