Soundoffs 11 Album Ratings 435 Objectivity 74%
Last Active 03-15-11 7:07 pm Joined 05-14-10
Review Comments 231
 | Bitchfork I think you'd like Strid's work (depressive bm without awful vocals). They had a s/t compilation of their stuff as Strid and as Malfeitor but the Malfeitor stuff sucks so you can probably just breeze over that or ignore it. Enemite's Wuyuan is also pretty bitching.
 | Bitchfork The Empty Hollow Unfolds for me is a precursor to Gnaw Their Tongues's new album, but it's much more expansive and frightening in its aesthetic qualities, which was the reason I recommended the album to you. I'm glad you liked it. Probably going to search through your ratings and rec you some other stuff.
 | Bitchfork perhaps. believe it or not i'm not a bm elitist i just listen to bands's discogs rather than branching out.