Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Album Ratings 118 Objectivity 76%
Last Active 02-27-21 6:32 pm Joined 08-22-11
Review Comments 13
Agalloch, Abigail Williams, Der Weg einer Freiheit, Kauan, Austere, Grey Waters, The Howling Wind, Wodensthrone, Winterfylleth, Orrery, Krallice, Young and in the Way, Locrian, Ash Borer, Woe, Lantlos, Summoning, Embers, Liturgy, Altar of Plagues, Wolves in the Throne Room,
| R3fl3cti0ns Nice to see some new ratings recently. Hope all is well with Oak Pantheon.
| LysergicLollypops i liked all the music you recommended. It's much easier on the ears than that 2nd wave, Norwegian, satanic stuff. Thanks, I'll be downloading some it soon.
| LysergicLollypops i find a lot of black metal hard to listen to. I'm so used to deathcore/tech death/prog. metal that i find a lot of black metal hard to listen to. What are some other good bands like you in the vein of doom/black metal that I might like?
| LysergicLollypops thanks for contributing to the oak pantheon page. you should make a review for them as well. I would but I don't know much about black metal.