Reviews 2 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 55 Album Ratings 0 Last Active 09-08-15 2:59 am Joined 01-03-13
Review Comments 2,696
This user has not rated enough albums to determine their musical taste.
souvlaki nd red, jane doe band, floyd, sLOWcore, funeral dinerz, phillie elverumz, zee national, godspeeds, black emperors, him tecker, neurOSIS, NOT isises, antlurs, k dot, biggie, rae, ghost, doom, L-P, m&m, dizzy right, daniel brown, Zep, beatles, zombeez, YEP, unwinded, himi jendrix, your bloody clementine, steven paul smith, cult ov luna, falling voices, ass borders, varg, pay sage bon iver?, loma preesha, fruitgazies, division of joy, off my minors, botches, moon is a dead band, vars molta, nuttin', mineral's, pantopticton, his heroes r gonez, defeater, mis sigs, mark-y-mark kozelkses, bonny bear, maiden, artilleries, follow the moon, a place to bury niggers, rob fripp, amp ear, justin k broadgod, heat death band, CUYSED, 'Merican Football, Appleseeds, talk talk talk talk, miles, coltrane, wes, al mi di li olas, art blakedly, billy bru, modest fags, hated surge, michael gira and his band, jim morrison and his band, boredumz, thomas doesnt waits, Rory gallagagagher, camels, softest machines, radiogivemehead, snow buildings, albinicore, grandaddie, eeeeels,
TheNexus100 has not rated any albums yet
 | Relinquished yeah i owned it for years, friends, m/w, and divinity are the best
 | Relinquished yea i'm pissed about it but i won't sweat at least my bro got pix
 | Relinquished i got s fuuckin faded that day i missed it but my brother went and filmed a bit for me