Kaiwaz https://discord.gg/vTuYzS November 3 02:41 PM
Gnocchi Nice scary Av man would love to see you write some more April 6 02:30 PM
Jots Got any new reviews in the works? November 14 02:14 AM
Jots lol, nah you're alright man. it's cool to see users willing to challenge the opinions of staff writers. I'm pretty indifferent to kendrick lamar so I don't really have a stance on that particular argument, but your argument was solid. I guess we'll see how it turns out in the following comments, haha November 1 06:29 PM
Jots your argument on that Logic review is pretty solid man, well done. not sure where I stand on the issue, but it's cool to see someone applying some thought to the matter aside from the usual ironic s***posting November 1 05:59 PM