
Reviews 1
Approval 80%

Soundoffs 23
Album Ratings 1803
Objectivity 90%

Last Active 01-06-17 1:11 am
Joined 08-20-10

Review Comments 1,885

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  • AlexKzillion Sent your invite
    August 9 01:25 PM
  • Sowing Thanks a lot man, always means a lot to hear that. The decade song list is so much fun to do. I've been rediscovering a lot of stuff I'd almost forgotten as well! Hope all is going well.
    March 28 01:28 AM
  • Jots thx man, been improving bit by bit. you gonna review more?
    May 11 11:29 PM
  • DropdeadWHA Brilliant. Thank you, she's so good.
    July 26 08:51 PM
  • DropdeadWHA Yeah man, it slaps. You got any recs? I need to check out some new stuff.
    July 26 02:35 PM

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