
Soundoffs 2
Album Ratings 4371
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 06-25-18 10:52 pm
Joined 05-21-13

Review Comments 9

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  • laughingman22 Haven't experienced it myself, but I've heard Shpongle concerts are insane
    February 26 05:59 AM
  • laughingman22 also saw skinny puppy live for the first time last night, best show I have ever been to
    February 25 09:38 PM
  • laughingman22 agreed, and the term industrial can be labeled to so many things making it difficult to know what to expect. Just saw your talk with yak, I put a album on his label that is semi-industrial so if you ever make anything don't be shy, ask him to put it up
    February 25 09:19 PM
  • YakNips Yeah it's pretty much exactly like that, make sure to get back to me, I'd love to have another artist in the tribute! :]
    February 25 04:53 AM
  • YakNips Yeah I'm in a s***ty hardcore band called Dry Satire, but I was just asking because I saw you dig Jeromes Dream, and I'm actually putting together a tribute to Jeromes Dream and was hoping you could cover a song
    February 25 04:39 AM

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