Soupy Rodriguez

Soundoffs 4
Album Ratings 1089
Objectivity 83%

Last Active 07-29-19 3:35 am
Joined 04-22-18

Review Comments 1,730

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  • someone need some spicy juicy tasty recs of 50-100 ratings. could you throw me an album or two?
    February 6 01:24 AM
  • bloodshy I think your new name is SOUP R COOL. I reserved a spot for you in the next tournament, I'm really excited you get to join in. Let me know if you have other things going on, though, and I'll close it up for ya. Hope to see you soon!
    August 26 04:03 AM
  • botulist change your name to Soupy Rodriguez
    August 25 09:36 PM
  • bloodshy yeah, i'll try to get creative. it's gonna be a hoot. you'd better be a participant!
    August 16 08:22 PM
  • DaHound I think you?d dig Zion I - Mind Over Matter if you havent heard it
    July 11 06:06 PM

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