Soundoffs 16 Album Ratings 3797 Objectivity 54%
Last Active 11-25-09 10:21 am Joined 11-25-09
Review Comments 67
| MisterTornado Definitely, I hear all of that too (especially Radio Amor). I love how incidental and lo-fi it is, sounds like he (Wakesleep is Will Burnett btw, aka Internet Club, Memorex Dawn, and Datavis amongst others) ran all of this music through a tape player and than recorded it on audacity or some other kind of super cheap program. Sounds completely otherworldly, like a dizzy and surreal head space at 3 'n the mornin'
| MisterTornado thanks sander *blushes*. i've been following your ratings as well for quite some time. your eclectic and all over the place, and we need more of that here