Reviews 7 Approval 77%
Soundoffs 5 News Articles 6 Band Edits + Tags 3 Album Edits 2
Album Ratings 198 Objectivity 78%
Last Active 05-02-18 6:52 pm Joined 09-20-08
Review Comments 1,911
| Activista anti-MTV I joined sputnik over five years ago. Disagreements are part of life here on sputnik. No one agrees with anyone else 100 percent. That's life.
| anarchistfish but this site isn't big enough for 2 of our kind :|
| Japandroid Great posts on the TBS review. I'm not commenting anymore because people are mostly retarded on this website. If I were a reviewer, I'd appreciate the points you're making even more. If only this website had a decent policy about what is considered a good post and what's just trolling, this would be an awesome website. It's a shame.