Super Grover

Reviews 23
Approval 98%

Soundoffs 23
News Articles 18
Band Edits + Tags 23
Album Edits 58

Album Ratings 418
Objectivity 65%

Last Active 07-22-22 4:50 am
Joined 05-25-09

Review Comments 9,110

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  • Rowan5215 thanks for the heads up! new job has eaten into my new music listening time unfortunately but I will endeavour to give er a whirl
    February 25 04:23 AM
  • Observer you still kicking?
    April 10 04:27 AM
  • jagride glad to hear it man. i like seeing some of the old names pop up every now and then
    September 8 07:44 PM
  • jagride rom g. som
    August 26 08:36 PM
  • Kalopsia come back. we need more people who love Hurt on here.
    August 11 09:39 PM

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