
Soundoffs 10
Album Ratings 688
Objectivity 63%

Last Active 11-30-13 2:14 am
Joined 08-22-12

Review Comments 430

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  • Emim Yes.
    December 14 01:31 AM
  • menawati No mate I dont use RYM. I'm on lastfm as iron345 about half my listens go on there dunno if that helps.
    October 13 12:46 PM
  • Milpool Butterfly Effect rule, listen to Begins Here and Imago idk how you could like faux prog and not like those albums. Final Conversation is a bit different, but still highly enjoyable. Also try Breaking Orbit, Mammal and Sydonia. Some other bands that are kind of similar include Sleep Parade, Quiet Child and Jericco, as well as dredg, Rishloo, Fair to Midland and Oceansize, but those recs are starting to move away from that prog/alt rock sound. Still worth checking out though.
    August 25 03:40 PM
  • Sevhead Haha yeah Crimson is RAD.
    June 7 04:03 PM
  • Sevhead Might not be exactly what you were looking for, but let me know what you think of these. Cheers!Edge of Sanity - CrimsonNegur? Bunget - Om
    May 1 02:48 PM

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