
Soundoffs 42
Album Ratings 575
Objectivity 60%

Last Active 02-26-20 2:34 pm
Joined 04-03-10

Review Comments 903

musical taste

Currently Digging:
Relations (GER)
Whoredom Rife

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music that makes me mosh or cry, or both,

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  • DDDeftoneDDD Nice ratings btw. Worm and Frail Body I mean m/
    July 26 02:13 PM
  • Maaan Lisbon is boiling at 30 plus degrees! Was getting around Relations. Not quite what I expected but Gaia Bleeds is such a jam! Oh yeah. How s Germany? Will get around your rec too. Big hug Ray.
    July 26 11:43 AM
  • DDDeftoneDDD Yoyo. Here here. Will def check your project. On the digs!sorry for thr late response.
    June 24 01:41 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD if you want something less complex check Brave The Cold. You will dig.
    October 14 01:41 PM
  • DDDeftoneDDD nice Ohms rate btw
    October 14 01:22 PM

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