Brian Meeth

Reviews 13
Approval 91%

Soundoffs 95
Album Ratings 1564
Objectivity 86%

Last Active 10-04-22 1:16 pm
Joined 04-23-14

Review Comments 2,737

musical taste

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Snake. nah id everything except for discord
    May 29 04:27 AM
  • Snake. yo let's make plans to meet up for the JD gig
    May 29 03:14 AM
  • XingKing I just saw your shoutbox almost a month later lol. Check out Massa Nerra's newest LP! That was my number 2 of the year. Jeanne also dropped a solid new EP!
    December 29 08:56 PM
  • delorbenzo Interesting profile. I think you would really like the Lost Dog Street Band. You should check out Sick Pup or Oblivion by them, classics.
    December 2 04:35 PM
  • Mort. i really should because i love cuddlemonster and theyre one of the few scene-grind bands worth listening to. i just havent got round to it yet, been really getting into dm recently. honestly im still shocked it exists. took them long enough lol
    November 12 02:22 AM

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