Reviews 38 Approval 98%
Soundoffs 10 News Articles 11 Band Edits + Tags 3 Album Edits 29
Album Ratings 1539 Objectivity 67%
Last Active 01-27-12 1:14 am Joined 04-22-10
Review Comments 405
 | DaveyBoy Nah, no sweat man. I made do. At that stage, my thoughts were a bit all over the place, but once I started writing stuff down, it flowed fairly well.
 | DaveyBoy Hey Porkchop, Im thinking of going way outside my comfort zone and reviewing that Tobias Jesso LP. Quick thoughts on it that resulted in your high rating.
 | danielito19 big trouble in little china is a dope movie
 | Curse. I knew you wouldn't look at it for a long time which was the whole point. I was waiting for that exact response, I just wasn't sure when. Also, "this" account?