Soundoffs 6 Album Ratings 2473 Objectivity 88%
Last Active 02-06-21 1:11 pm Joined 12-05-10
Review Comments 1,701
 | garas Hey! I'm back again to react to your rec from Mjaltsjuka. I'm not sure about my final verdict... their sense for ambient is really strong, but elements like the auto-tuned vocals were quite turnoffs. Shame, it's no Caladan Brood!
 | garas Thanks for the rec, I'll jam it sometime soon!
 | garas This might interest you: I dig it!
 | JohnnyoftheWell sputnik needs YOUR VOTE
 | garas I never really dared to investigate the vaporwave community, tbh hahaha! It is sad to hear that they are having a similar (/same?) issue. At least I think it is an issue: there is no need to start a project which would sound all the same like every other. Also, I'm convinced: I'll have a DS list, but perhaps a shorter one than last year. I'm more into BM this year anyway.