Ocean of Noise

Reviews 32
Approval 98%

Soundoffs 25
Album Ratings 2376
Objectivity 53%

Last Active 09-05-22 6:33 pm
Joined 06-17-12

Review Comments 10,970

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  • DePlazz https://www.sputnikmusic.com/review/80881/Ed-Rush-and-Optical-Wormhole/
    February 16 08:55 AM
  • Casavir You should check out Catharsis - Pathways to Wholeness at some point, if you haven't. I think you'd like it.
    November 14 10:37 PM
  • 50iL That Windir 5 is such a pleasure to see :)
    December 11 11:30 PM
  • CalculatingInfinity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi3qC_zQ4Po
    July 24 07:27 PM
  • GhandhiLion Ay a third and the mortal fan
    July 3 03:03 PM

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