Reviews 160 Approval 89%
Soundoffs 63 News Articles 39 Band Edits + Tags 347 Album Edits 622
Album Ratings 3778 Objectivity 83%
Last Active 04-09-22 4:38 am Joined 11-09-12
Review Comments 25,137
| Sowing You should be all set on the forums, but give it a day or two to port over to the review site
| Sowing If that's what you want, and the name isn't taken, then I don't believe it'll be an issue.
| Sowing [continued] - sadly I (nor Jom or any of the other mods) can nuke 25k comments with confidence that it won't turn the servers belly-up. My apologies!
| Sowing Hey there! Unfortunately comment wipes (especially the large ones) basically kill the servers, so I'm going to have to pass on that request. I certainly understand feeling regret over previous comments, so if you would want a "clean slate" via a new account that's always an option. I can even ban this account upon request so that you don't feel tempted to revisit it. I'm happy to help in whatever other ways you think would be beneficial, but