Vasilis S.

Reviews 42
Soundoffs 19
Album Ratings 1512
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 02-09-20 10:56 pm
Joined 02-04-20

Review Comments 718

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Currently Digging:
Black Witchery

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  • evilford Hey I looked em up and I actually had heard that already! I have it 4d, so I must have really liked it. Will listen again!
    July 23 04:16 PM
  • evilford Oh nice yeah ill check em out, thanks!
    July 23 07:44 AM
  • Anthracks no i tend to avoid slam if i can, lol
    July 15 12:55 AM
  • NightOnDrunkMountain Glad you dig that Whoredom Rife, I feel pretty much the same about it. Some of the other suggestions are clean cut like this, others a bit more obscure
    July 6 07:21 PM
  • Hawks Really, really loving this Whoredom Rife album bro. Nothing original but man this is reminding me why I love Norwegian bm. Heard some of their stuff before and it never really stuck but this one is blowing me away tbh.
    July 6 07:05 PM

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