Reviews 4 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 131 Album Ratings 8227 Objectivity 92%
Last Active 09-22-20 9:33 am Joined 03-06-14
Review Comments 99
KMFDM, Burial, Lana Del Rey, Inferno (cz), Batushka, Midnight Odyssey, Mayhem, Burzum, Venom, Toxic Holocaust, Front Line Assembly, Vindalf, Aevangelist, Blut Aus Nord, Death Worship, Paysage D'Hiver, Mysticum, Deathspell Omega, Reverorum Ib Malacht,
| rellik009 yo dude you should probably post your replies in the other person's shoutbox cuz it just looks weird as is :DD
| cordwainerbird ever listen to Total Terror? I think maybe it's my special album equivalent to State of Mind. I'm going to write a review on it tonight actually.State of Mind also got me through a real hard time tho, it really is incredible. I had that album on repeat when I was 16.
| NickLizard49 Thank you, cordwainerbird, I appreciate it! State of mind is one of my favourite albums of all times.
| cordwainerbird Big fan of your State of Mind review, really love how you were able to derive such a vivid reality from just the soundscapes. The clarity of it man - very cool