
Reviews 4
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 131
Album Ratings 8227
Objectivity 92%

Last Active 09-22-20 9:33 am
Joined 03-06-14

Review Comments 99

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  • rellik009 yo dude you should probably post your replies in the other person's shoutbox cuz it just looks weird as is :DD
    April 15 09:21 AM
  • cordwainerbird ever listen to Total Terror? I think maybe it's my special album equivalent to State of Mind. I'm going to write a review on it tonight actually.State of Mind also got me through a real hard time tho, it really is incredible. I had that album on repeat when I was 16.
    March 7 03:04 AM
  • y87arrow Not another music hater...
    March 1 04:01 PM
  • NickLizard49 Thank you, cordwainerbird, I appreciate it! State of mind is one of my favourite albums of all times.
    January 20 05:02 PM
  • cordwainerbird Big fan of your State of Mind review, really love how you were able to derive such a vivid reality from just the soundscapes. The clarity of it man - very cool
    January 20 12:15 PM

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