
Reviews 1
Approval 100%

Soundoffs 6
Album Ratings 273
Objectivity 63%

Last Active 08-13-13 1:51 pm
Joined 10-02-11

Review Comments 855

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  • Thealwaysopenedmind Yeah. Last week, I was definitely crippled by pizza. I had two within 2 nights of each other. I ate them by myself too.
    June 2 02:06 PM
  • Thealwaysopenedmind Thanks for the advice. And I'll eat as much Anti Pizza as I can. Hahaha.
    June 1 06:39 PM
  • JustLikeBart don't have cow
    April 12 02:30 AM
  • CompostCompote Rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'
    April 5 06:35 PM
  • Decay Glad you enjoyed them man :D
    November 15 08:51 PM

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