
Soundoffs 2
Album Ratings 111
Objectivity 75%

Last Active 12-08-14 1:11 am
Joined 03-26-05

Review Comments 81

musical taste

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  • KatieKnight Really!?! Abandon All Ships 1.5?!? HOW. They're the worst band ever! The singer can't even scream, he's sooooooooo weak.
    January 10 12:13 AM
  • KatieKnight k, maybe I will re-listen. But it was definatly "out-there"
    January 10 12:11 AM
  • KatieKnight Infinity a 4. I don't get why everyone's giving ti such great reviews. Unique, yes. Oringinal, yes. Fantastic, amazing... no. I found it too... um different, if you will.
    January 5 12:57 AM
  • KatieKnight Thanks man. Will do, and make sure you fill in Saint Aliva's info. I'll be looking forward to reading about it, maybe even do a review seeing that you don't have any.
    January 5 12:52 AM
  • KatieKnight Did you write up all of that info on St. Alvia? Random Question.
    January 4 12:20 AM

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