You say proto-this, I say post-that, lets call the whole thing skronk

Reviews 69
Approval 89%

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Band Edits + Tags 919
Album Edits 800

Album Ratings 1965
Objectivity 76%

Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
Joined 01-01-70

Review Comments 25,870

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  • constantchange also funny that you're digging Boys Against Girls, they've been slowly growing on me finally. maybe there's hope I'll come around to Shudder to Think yet hehe
    July 26 04:45 AM
  • constantchange goes sick as hell
    July 26 04:42 AM
  • Demon of the Fall not signing up to the thread but nice Destroyer Kaputt slander. Then again, unlike you I don't really dig Prefab either
    July 25 10:22 AM
  • BitterJalapenoJr I have checked all four Fear Before without reading anything/rating checkings ans assume that your breakdown was the first two as sold, the third as classic and the fourth as meh. Would that be correct? I am enjoying greatly so thanks for the rec.
    July 21 07:28 PM
  • constantchange i copped all 4 represses on the drop day lol. and Brooks sounds pretty dopethey're my first vinyl purchases, aside from Tragic Boogie by TLaT (which I ordered a couple weeks ago lol), and some random ones i got cheap at an auction kinda for the hell of it.long may Shiner reign!
    July 21 05:08 AM

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